Tchai Chat with Cornel & Pim:
A Dynamic Collaboration

Within Tchai, our organizational structure is inspired by the Chinese mythical phoenix, Feng Huang. Symbolizing summer, warmth, and harvest, Feng Huang reflects our transformation from a traditional company to one focused on cultivating personal potential for our people, clients, and suppliers. Each team, represented by different colors, embodies unique strengths. Pim and Cornel are part of the blue client team, dedicated to serving Cheil Benelux and Samsung.
Get a glimpse into the collaboration between the two.

Pim: "From day one, I enjoyed working with Cornel. His guidance during my onboarding was invaluable. We discovered a shared passion for problem-solving and designing exciting spaces. His technical knowledge is really impressive. I strive to absorb as much as I can. The mentorship has shaped my growth within the company."

Cornel: "Working with Pim feels natural. We click, especially on technical solutions. His eagerness to learn and openness to feedback constantly inspire me. It's rewarding to pass on my experience and be challenged by his innovative ideas. Pim's attention to detail is remarkable. I trust his drawings implicitly, which allows me to focus on other aspects of our projects. His precision has pushed our team to adopt new production techniques."

Pim: "Besides our professional synergy, we share a love for football and motorsport, especially Formula 1. Our mutual commitment to family enriches our bond and makes every day enjoyable."

Cornel: "Our friendship is the cornerstone of our teamwork. We complement each other professionally and personally. I hope we continue working together for a long time to come!"

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